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Writer's pictureAstria

Authors guide

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

When in doubt, write it out.

Hello, hello, hello again! If you have found yourself looking for an Authors advice on writing, the way through self publishing or even how to get out of your own way and write, well look no further!

And since this is a fairly new blog, I kindly welcome you!

However, I must remind you that this is purely from what I have learned along the way. Let's begin, shall we?

So you want to be a writer?

When starting off on your own path on becoming a writer, there is a short list I have compiled that should help. I say "should" because every person that chooses to paint pictures of black and white into other peoples minds and create entire worlds out of ink and paper alone, go about their creative process differently than the others before them. It simply boils down to what works best for you.

first things first, I want you to think back to what originally sparked your interest and kindled a fire in your soul for wanting to write in the first place.

For me, I've always loved books. Ever since I was a child, I've always had reading material at the touch of my finger tips. And when I was very little, I remember asking my mom to read me stories or make up ones before bed time. These were my favorite. So I suppose my love for written lands and interesting charters came from her.

And still to this day, I keep in my heart the same spark that I had then. To have an open mind and not forgetting to see the world through fresh eyes.

Because for one to be a writer, imagination and curiosity is the two utmost important essentials to carry with you. Well, other than a notepad and pen of course.

When on a walk, look to nature. Have a happy place that brings out the child within you? Go there. Or a quiet spot to sit in alone with your thoughts, works good for most.

Write, read, repeat.

Now that you have your ideal writing haven, it's time to use that wonderful brain of yours! Before you actually write a book, you need to know what on earth it's going to be about. What genre interests you the most? It might be easier to start something that keeps you intrigued, so you don't get bored or easily overwhelmed.

Next, is to get a clear idea of where your story takes place, what sort of characters do you see going about their lives, what the plot is all about and how to write it from start, to middle and finally, to finish.

I know, it might sound like a lot to work out at first. But this is the best part! Think of it this way, you can create a whole world, create characters and so much more, all the while thinking! Right out of thin air! Rearranging twenty six letters around and around, until you have a full story that you're proud of.

Wouldn't it be wonderful, to walk into a Barnes & Noble, or Books-a-million store and see your book on a shelf, right next to one of your favorite authors!? How amazing would that be! And it's very well possible too. You just have to get out of your own way and take the first step. Write.

Have a few ideas that might make good "scenes?" Write it down. What about those characters we previously talked about? What do they look like? What's their personality? What do they do as a career? Present them as real and as flesh and bone as you and I.

If they feel real to you, then they will be to the reader. If you cry while writing, so will the reader. If you find yourself laughing, again, so will the reader. I can't express this enough.

Write all of your ideas down, so you won't forget them later. And that way you can free up your mind to have room for new material to flow.

If you have gotten this far with the writing process, well done! You should be very proud of yourself! After all, it takes a lot of mental work to plan this all out.

Although, if you haven't, no worries. Make sure to give yourself time to think about what you really want. For some, it can take days. Others, it can take longer. Years.

This is not a bad thing at all. And whatever you do, you do not want to rush this step. You'll eventually figure it out.

When you are not writing, it's good to keep those creative juices going by reading in the meantime. This will not only broaden your language for words to use, it will also help teach you how to unfold a story further as you go.

In my opinion, there is no right way to write. You just have to keep going and learn as you go. Like all art, one does not learn overnight. Neither does he or she not come across a few bumps in the road, while learning a new new skill.

You only "fail" if you quit.

Don't compare

It's easy to try and compare your work to other authors. Especially to those you may look up to. And this is perfectly normal. BUT you don't want to make this a habit!

You might start to think, "My work doesn't look anything like theirs." Or, "Maybe I should be more like them." Don't do this, please.

If your written work is different and doesn't feel like any another, then good on you!

You want your work to stand out and not be like anyone else.

Take a moment, and think of at least 3 of your favorite authors. Now... I can bet almost all three of them have a different technique in how they describe their work, how they set up their written worlds AND how they are to each other.

Being different, is your golden ticket in this business.

Need more motivation?

Well, what usually works best for me, is I'll go to Pinterest and search key words related to ideas of my book I'm writing.

For ex: Lets say one of my books is based in Ireland, in the fall/winter and it has family magic, mythical creatures, and in the 1920s.

This is about my novel (The Highlands of Ireland Myth and Magic.)

I would look up: Ireland, Phooka, Legends, 20s, Stonehenge, Winter. ect.

You can make a board (or secret board,) and start putting images to it that "look" like what you have in mind for your book. This is perfect for visualization to really help bring it to life. For characters, seasons, place, era, you name it.

Another great thing to do, is to open the Spotify app and create a playlist soundtrack, you feel that will go with your story. Have you ever watched a movie and just loved the soundtrack so much, that you took to the internet to find the music they used?

Another ex: the movie, "Midnight in Paris" has romantic, French music that goes with the era quite nicely.

This step helps you to feel that part of the story, that words seem to fall short on.

Last but surely not least, if you are the type of person who likes to have everything neatly organized and laid out just so. This one is for you!

Book and Character outlines can be found on google or Pinterest. (I typically like to find them on the Pin, because I can keep it with my book board.)

You can either fill these out digitately or print them. To break it down, these outlines help you to figure out the details of whatever your writing about and its an easy way to keep notes tidy. There is A LOT to choose from.

Publishing and print

Whether you choose to go with a traditional publishing house or self publish, this will determine on you. For some authors, rather go with a publisher. If you choose this route, know that it might take longer than you wish to have your work printed.

Some of the most famous authors had their work turned down many, many times before they made It. It just goes to show you, if you have an idea that you believe in and really want to get your work out there, you won't give up!

I'm sure you have heard of the "Harry Potter series," by J.K. Rowling.

She had not one, not five, but twelve different publishing houses reject the book until she finally found one that would publish her work.

The famous F. Scott Fitzgerald, was rejected more than 120 times for his stories in newspapers, he was trying to sell.

Even brilliant and famous minds can have a hard time. But they kept going. And so should you! These are just two examples of many.

Now back to what we were previously talking about. With book deals, it is legally binding with you and your publisher. In which they publish your book and in return, you will meet their deadlines and stipulations and you will receive either royalties and an advance or just royalties.

And this is when you are approved by a publisher. Typically, it can take nine months to two years for just a book to contract.

However, if you just know your story is worth telling and it's good enough to be published without someone else telling you otherwise, then you might want to go with self publishing.

This is the path I chose. I didn't want to wait for some stranger to tell me that my work was good or not, when I already believed it was. I didn't want to wait and go through multiple headaches of waiting and hoping, where it might fall through.

I just wanted to write. Plain and simple. So I took to Google and YouTube to research everything that I could possibly need to know.

(This is a step I highly advise you to do. No matter which way you choose to publish. There are many publishing houses out there, and self publishing sites too. Make sure to read EVERYTHING. Especially the parts where how much of ownership rights to the work, how much you earn and a company's trustworthiness.

My story

Some odd years before I published my first book, I started with an idea.

This idea was about a tiny, purple, jumping spider named, Speck. And how he had got lost from his home when a big storm blew him away. Along Speck's travels to return, he meets some new friends along the way! My very first and published work was a children's book! And a somewhat rhyming one at that! Titled, "Speck and the great big storm."

Later in the fall, I wrote "Speck's Spooktacular Halloween."

The Christmas special will be out this year, as well as a new story in the Spring that I can't wait to present to you all!!

I then went on to try my hand with a few other books, such as a mystery novel series called, "The Golden Key Mysteries, The Arcane Soul." About a teenage girl named Claire, who finds a mysterious little black book that her recently deceased grandmother hid for her to find. Inside it contains clues for Claire and her bestfriend Cole, to solve the mystery. She finds family secrets, deceit and a bit of romance!

The next book series was, "The Highlands of Ireland, Myth & Magic." This one centers around the main female character, Marie. When she travels from America to Ireland to meet her grandparents for the first time, Marie not only finds ancient ancestral magic, but lands of unknown and soon finds that courage can be found from within. (We even meet a mythical Irish creature, a Phooka named, Pook. Who is by far my favorite character I have had the pleasure to write!)

And the latest book series is, "The Traveling Coffee Shoppe, Angels In The House."

This one is about an elderly women named, Melva. Although she isn't quite a person anymore. After Melva passed away, she continued to occupy the coffee shoppe she once lived in with her family. As a spirit, she is able to travel to places on earth through time and space, helping people and other sorts she meets along the way. And I hope you enjoy a good story, because Melva will happily serve you a fresh cup of coffee with just that!

She has an ear to listen and the gift to gab.

How I published

After looking through many self publishing companies online, I came across one that I liked the most. Lulu is where you can buy, sell and self publish! Did I mention that you can even create your own cover design there too!

Like I said, to know the right one for you, you will have to do your own research.

Self publishing gave me more freedom and a feeling of independence that the other couldn't.

I do hope this post was of some help to get you started on your writing path,

As everyone's is different.

Lulu is pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it. However, the cover creating can take a while. Depending on how elaborate you want to get. I recommend starting the process first thing in the morning, that way you have plenty of time to upload, create and wait for it to be available to others usually in a few short hours. As the author, you even get a price discount on the copies you buy.

Here are a few covers I created with Canva on Lulu.

As always, I wish you the very best dear readers. Until next time. Xx. - A

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